The Greeks Don't Want No Geeks

I almost snorted granola through my nose (ouch) when I saw this story. Apparently Delta Zeta, a national sorority decided that its Depauw chapter needed an overhaul. The official reason was that 23 of the 35 members (including the chapter president) weren't pulling their weight in recruitment. Strangely, the remaining twelve girls that national allowed to stay just happened to be the thinnest, prettiest girls in the bunch.
It seems the sorority has gotten a reputation on campus as being a group of "nerdy" girls. The women who were kicked out say it was because they don't fit a certain image profile, i.e hot and vapid, that national wants to portray. Not to say those who remained were any happier. Half of them resigned in protest as well.
I've never been a big fan of the Greek system to begin with. To me, frats and sororities all seem to be a haven for the insecure or immature who need to cling to a cliqueish pack mentality to feel safe. But to have one so blatantly (albeit with a flimsy cover story) exclude women who had already gone through what was probably an arduous process to become members simply because of their appearance is ridiculous. And prehistoric. Is this really a 2007 occurance?
For whatever reason, these women choose to join a sorority, and in it, they felt accepted and comfortable with their "sisters." That's all that matters. It's just so old school. Women are so much more than what they look like.
I hope these women can take comfort in the fact that they are probably better off being out of Delta Zeta than in.
Today I am ashamed to be a Delta Zeta (class of 1957). I loved the sorority back then, but I won't be contributing to the Foundation next year.
I can't believe in this day and age the sorority's national office thought they could get away with this! I wonder how they will clean up the mess. Surely there are PLENTY of alumnae who are now choosing to not donate to the Foundation, like Arleeda posted above.
I know! The National Office can go into rehab!! That fixes EVERYthing!
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