Year End Wrap Up Round Up

After making a sad little attempt at a Christmas-themed poem about the year's Hollywood scandals and headlines, I had to toss in the towel. Frankly, I just can't get excited about Britney's exposed vagina or mystery shrouded celebrity births right now. I know, what's wrong with me right??
So here's an extremely lazy alternative, but maybe one with a little more substance. Tis the season for almost-on-vacation journalists to make lists of the past year's biggest news. So here is a plethora of links to other people's year-end wrap ups of various sorts-political, news-worthy-ical, and yes, Hollywood-ical.
Perhaps the New Year will reignite my passion for famous people's f'ed up lives. Buuuut, maybe it's better if it doesn't. 2007 will surely bring other interesting blog-worthy events that don't involve skinny blond harlots famous for no good reason. (This means you Ann Coulter!)
Have a great holiday to all and to all a good night!
Eleanor Clift's Look Back at Bush's Biggest '06 Lies (suprising it is only 2 Internet pages)
30 Biggest Sports Retirees in '06 (not that I care really)
Newsweek's Best Movies of the Year ("The Devil Wears Prada"-really?)
Forbes World's Most Powerful Women (sad that I don't know most of these)
Celebritology's Top 10 Celeb Stories of the Year (4th item)
Best Books of '06 (I am enjoying Absurdistan)
I can't find a specific top political and notable stories of '06 list but, here's a stab: Dems win, Foley, Iraq civil strife escalating, Syria, Pope's Muslim insult, Abramoff, Pelosi, Johnson's health, Rummy out, Gates in, Clinton vs. Obama, Kerry's stupid joke, Iraq deaths continue to rise, Sudan, Annan gone, macaca, immigration, Delay out, Iraq still bad, warantless spying. Feel free to add on.
But more important than all of these is of course the Onion 10.
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