The Not Republicans Won!

Man, it's nights like this, I miss being in DC. If I were there, I'd probably be, well, I'd probably be sitting at home watching the returns and eating bagel chips like I am now. But I'd be mere blocks away from the big parties! Im just glad I wasn't at Tryst with all the blogger nerds. There was so much nerd energy in that room, I practically got a virtual wedgie.
Watching all the coverage, it warms my heart to see the Dems squeak by by the skin of their teeth. It's not quite the tidal wave of victory they hoped for, but it's great to know that, come January, A) Denny Hastert's fat face won't be on TV as much B) Bush and the rest of his buddies won't be running around the White House unsupervised anymore C) we might come up with some ways to extricate ourselves from Iraq or at least the Administration will hush up about cutting and running D) chance of a win in '08? My feeling is the Dems need an agenda, and they need it fast. Or this win won't mean much.
Congrats to my sisters in the field...fighting for Webb, McCaskill, and Casey. You did it girls!
PS I'm so excited about having a woman Speaker, but did it have to be the Botox Queen? Bad me! Who cares about her looks right? Right???
Yaaaaaaay! All we have to conquer is VA, and it'll be near perfect!
And now Rumsfeld is done, or at least according to my CNN blast he is.
The times, they are a-changin' . . . for the better!
wheee! this is exciting stuff!
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