Kerry-ied Away

Who knew the 11th hour spoiler of the mid-term elections would be none other than that Viceroy of Vitriol that King of Comedy that Blue-Blood of Banter...John Kerry!?
Kerry put his well-shod foot in his mouth big time while making a joke aimed at Bush that came out insulting troops in Iraq. Ooo, easy, shiny, story about a political gaffe! There goes the media. Now the subject of Bush's botched Iraqi plan has been pushed aside for the decidedly juicier "bad joke" story.
I hate to say it, but this is so typically Democrat. Just when they get a comfortable lead, they do something guaranteed to submarine their own success. More proof that they were all that nerd in school that always said the wrong thing thirty seconds too late.
Future Democrat: "That's what she said!"
Nerd Ass-Kicker: "Dude, quit pointing at my Mom. And I really was riding a wild buck all day. And now I'm going to kick your ass."
John, just...shh. Keep it zipped for six more days. Then you can make all the inappropriate jokes you want. ("That's what she said!") Har har.
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