Buh! Wha! But That's...Arrrgh!

The new and improved lame-duck Bush was spreading his broken wings this week in Asia to embrace a more diplomatic policy that he has eschewed for much of his presidency. And in true Bush form, he's decided that it was the Democrats all along who were responsible for the US's isolationist policies over the last six years. And they needed a good "thumpin'" about it too! See below from WaPo
From across the world, President Bush took on anti-war and anti-free trade Democrats who won control of Congress, saying Thursday that "America must reject" any tendency toward isolationism.
"We hear voices calling for us to retreat from the world and close our doors to these opportunities," he said in a speech at the National University of Singapore. "These are the old temptations of isolationism and protectionism, and America must reject them."
No sir! YOU have been the one who wanted to close our doors. YOU were the one who refused to leave the country for months and months after your presidential term began. YOU have been the one all along who's been bullying the rest of the world into getting behind your war against the "axis of evil." Sure, you took some Dems with you but quit scolding them for your policies!
You'rrrrre despicable.