Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Virtual Edwards HQ Virtually Vandaled

Well this is a new level of strange. An Edwards '08 supporter (not officially affiliated with the campaign) created a virtual headquarters for the Edwards campaign in the virtual reality world Second Life, only to have it defaced by vandals hours later. I can't decide who's nerdier: the guy (you know it's a guy) who created a campaign HQ in a virtual world or the guy who went to the trouble of messing it up?

For the most part, this is just a funny little blippy thing that happens on the Internet these days and effects no one. But the site, which allows bloggers to comment (in a bi-partisan way of course) on potential candidates' Web sites or MySpace friend counts, brings up a good point. If candidates do start using these virtual venues to connect people to their campaigns, who is going to protect them from Tha Haters?

I don't think we need to concern ourselves too much about this. I can't really see McCain or Ron Paul building themselves a kick-ass Avatar. But it is an interesting idea to think that a campaign candidate could be born, built, and promoted in a virtual world, and he or she could quickly become a rousing success or a pitiful failure, all without ever shaking a single hand.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Greeks Don't Want No Geeks

I almost snorted granola through my nose (ouch) when I saw this story. Apparently Delta Zeta, a national sorority decided that its Depauw chapter needed an overhaul. The official reason was that 23 of the 35 members (including the chapter president) weren't pulling their weight in recruitment. Strangely, the remaining twelve girls that national allowed to stay just happened to be the thinnest, prettiest girls in the bunch.

It seems the sorority has gotten a reputation on campus as being a group of "nerdy" girls. The women who were kicked out say it was because they don't fit a certain image profile, i.e hot and vapid, that national wants to portray. Not to say those who remained were any happier. Half of them resigned in protest as well.

I've never been a big fan of the Greek system to begin with. To me, frats and sororities all seem to be a haven for the insecure or immature who need to cling to a cliqueish pack mentality to feel safe. But to have one so blatantly (albeit with a flimsy cover story) exclude women who had already gone through what was probably an arduous process to become members simply because of their appearance is ridiculous. And prehistoric. Is this really a 2007 occurance?

For whatever reason, these women choose to join a sorority, and in it, they felt accepted and comfortable with their "sisters." That's all that matters. It's just so old school. Women are so much more than what they look like.

I hope these women can take comfort in the fact that they are probably better off being out of Delta Zeta than in.

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm Gonna Get Me a Brit Brit Haircut

Oh you know I couldn't resist. But I won't say anything you don't already know. Just go here to see what you'd look like bald! OK, you can't be bald, but it's a fun lil time waster anyway.

Poor Brit. Hope rehab sticks this time. She's lookin' a little Baby Jane these days.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Molly on Boobs

Who Needs Breasts, Anyway?

by Molly Ivins

Having breast cancer is massive amounts of no fun. First they mutilate you; then they poison you; then they burn you. I have been on blind dates better than that.

One of the first things you notice is that people treat you differently when they know you have it. The hushed tone in which they inquire, "How are you?" is unnerving. If I had answered honestly during 90% of the nine months I spent in treatment, I would have said, "If it weren't for being constipated, I'd be fine." In fact, even chemotherapy is not nearly as hard as it once was, although it still made all my hair fall out.

My late friend Jocelyn Gray found the ultimate proof that there is no justice:

"Not just my hair, but my eyebrows, my eyelashes—every hair on my body has fallen out, except for these goddam little mustaches at the corner of my mouth I have always hated."

Another thing you get as a cancer patient is a lot of football-coach patter. "You can beat this; you can win; you're strong; you're tough; get psyched." I suspect that cancer doesn't give a rat's ass whether you have a positive mental attitude. It just sits in there multiplying away, whether you are admirably stoic or weeping and wailing. The only reason to have a positive mental attitude is that it makes life better. It doesn't cure cancer.

My friend Judy Curtis demanded totally uncritical support from everyone around her. "I smoked and drank through the whole thing," she says. "And I hated the lady from the American Cancer Society." My role model.

The late Alice Trillin wrote some brilliant essays on being a cancer patient, and I found her theory of "the good student" especially helpful. When you are not doing well at cancer—barfing and getting bad blood tests and generally not sailing through the whole thing with grace and panache—you have a tendency to think, Help, I'm flunking cancer, as though it were your fault. Your doctor also tends to look at you as though he is disappointed. Especially if you start to die on him.

You don't get through this without friends. Use them. Call them, especially other women who have been through it. People like to help. They like to be able to do something for you. Let them. You will also get sick of talking about cancer. One way to hold down the solicitous calls is to give your friends a regular update by e-mail, if you have it.

If you work, I recommend that you keep right on doing so (unless you hate your job). Most companies are quite good about giving you time off when you need it, and working keeps you from sitting around and worrying.

Losing a part of a breast or all of one or both has, obviously, serious psychological consequences. Your self-image, your sense of yourself as a woman, your sense of your sexual attractiveness are going to be rocked whether or not you have enough sense to realize that tits aren't that important.

I am one of those people who are out of touch with their emotions. I tend to treat my emotions like unpleasant relatives—a long-distance call once or twice or year is more than enough. If I got in touch with them, they might come to stay.

My friend Mercedes Pena made me get in touch with my emotions just before I had a breast cut off. Just as I suspected, they were awful. "How do you Latinas do this—all the time in touch with your emotions?" I asked her. "That's why we take siestas," she replied.

As a final indignity, I have just flunked breast reconstruction. Bad enough that I went through all that pain for the sake of vanity, but then I got a massive infection and had to have both implants taken out.

I'm embarrassed about it, although my chief cancer mentor, Marlyn Schwartz (who went to the Palm for lunch after every chemo session), has forbidden this particular emotion. So now I'm just a happy, flat-chested woman.