Goodbye Pluto...Least Interesting Planet. Ever.

This is just blowing my mind. I mean Pluto ruined my friendship with Kelly A. in 3rd grade. I used her P encyclopedia to help write my report on the planets and never gave it back. Henceforth, every time I saw her I ran away because her P book was gathering dust in my garage. She stopped asking after 3 years.
And now come to find out this all could have been avoided if these lame-o scientists had figured out sooner that Pluto isn't a planet after all. Botched science ruined my friendship.
It just proves that everything in the universe is connected. So if what my friend Ali says is true, that the "universe provides," what happens when it takes away? Everyone's lost an umbrella here and gotten one back somewhere else right? Will the universe give me a new replacement friend? Damn well better.
Goodbye Pluto. Good riddance!