Star No Star No More

Every fiber of my being is screaming that I should not waste time typing about this, but it's just so juicy and cat-fighty. I can't resist. I would be ashamed of perpetuating sterotypes about women fighting other women, but I disown Star Jones as a member of the female tribe and thus, can claim innocence. She's some sort of wierd alien or something.
Star Jones is also a train wreck I just can't look away from. After having her tummy stapled and losing an Olsen twin's worth of weight, she has been stubbornly unwilling to own up to the surgery. Why Star why? Then she married a fruity guy at a gazillion-dollar wedding and wrote a self-agrandizing book. All the while mouthing off on her show with the four other gabby gals. Good times abound for Star!
But somewhere along the way, things stopped coming up Star and started coming up Rosie. O'Donnell that is. When Meredith was tapped to replace Katie on "Today," ABC picked Roise to replace her. Yikes. Throwdown waiting to happen.
So in her final stand against the other hens on "The View," she announced on the show this week she was leaving, taking everyone by suprise. Babs and ABC claim Jones was going to be fired all along. All for the best it seems. Honestly, I think if she and Rosie had been in the same room together for even a moment, all the oxygen would have been sucked up by their dueling egos and everyone around them would die horrible suffocating deaths.
Actually, that doesn't sound half bad.
Oh yeah, and the Supreme Court finally told Bush he can't try Guantanamo detainees in military tribunals. About time someone put a check on Bush's attempt at abusing his executive powers. Can they put a check on Star Jones' mouth too I wonder?
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