A Near Dead Kennedy

You know, I have to echo a friend's sentiments from last week when this story first broke. You gotta feel a little sorry for the guy. I mean his two uncles are murdered, his Dad drove his car into a lake with another PERSON INSIDE, and didn't another one of those Kennedys run into a tree and die skiing? Bizarre! Cursed! Screwed!
So it's no wonder Patrick Kennedy can't seem to straighten up and fly right. It's no secret to anyone who hangs out on the Hill how often the Congressman is seen out and about, always with a few drinks under his belt and more to come. But wouldn't you dull the pain of being in such a dysfunctional family too? Oh admit it, you already do do that.
But Patrick Kennedy's accident isn't going to win him any pity points with the public, even with his Ambien Defense, precisely because he is a Kennedy. Why no breathalizer test? No arrest? Privelege is his way of life, it goes unsaid. It's when it's laid bare for all of us non-Kennedys to see that it becomes unacceptable special treatment.
Good luck in rehab buddy!
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