Chicks Getting Demoted, Promoted, and Goaded

The Vargas/Woodruff co-anchor team had bad luck from the start. Now that Woodruff is recovering from a bomb attack in Iraq, and Vargas is preggers, the ABC higher-ups have decided to put...what?...why, it's an old white man in the anchor seat. Ole Charlie Gibson will leave GMA to do the evening news and Liz will go back to her old job at 20/20. I know hosting a news magazine show is nothing to sneeze at, but c'mon! Give the gal a chance. Alas, the ratings gods have spoken, and Liz has been Mommy tracked. So long, E., we hardly knew ye.

Yay! The Dixie Chicks finally made another album, and so far as I can tell, it's a good'un. I've always liked them, and I liked them even more after Natalie mouthed off about Bush and even more when they didn't apologize and even MORE now that they've put their pissed-off-ness to music I can sing along to in my car. Me likey.
And Most Importantly...

Poor Kat McPhee. She's going to get stomped by a strange pre-maturely grey Elvis impersonator. I really want her to win, but not enough to spend my hard-earned moolah on voting for her. So long Kat McPhee, we hardly knew ye either. But I suspect we'll see you soon...doing a Sketchers ad.
Have you seen the Chicks video for "Not Ready to Make Nice"? The main "story" has them in Victorian costumes, struggling to get away from creepy-looking doctors.
The whole vid is black & white--though not shot in b&w. It's dramatic. I like it--goes with the powerful song.
Gotta love free speech.
Haven't seen it yet, but I have no doubt it is awesome!
The WashPost critic loves the album. I heard a while ago that it's more Eagles than anything else. I dig that! Bring on the soft rock. Can't wait to hear more of the album. My XM Radio is already playing the second single, "Everybody Knows". Good stuff. Not "Sin Wagon" rock out good, mind you, but better than 99% of the crap that's being released these days.
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